Young buck

Young buck

Virginia York wheeled her Caddy into the parking garage and after maneuvering through the maze of ramps she nosed the big auto into a space near the elevator. She shivered a little as a cold north wind whipped around her while waiting for a car. Finally down on the street, she made her way the two blocks to a nondescript building on the west side of Chicago’s Loop. It had been almost a month since her last visit, and the anticipation in her pussy caused her to drench her panties involuntarily! She took a deep breath before entering a plain looking office on the seventh floor, and after a moment’s hesitation went inside.

Immediately a thirtyish woman got up from behind her desk and greeted her warmly, “And how are you, Mrs. York?” “It’s been awhile since your last “appointment”! A least a month,” the fifty five year old woman replied. “Did you have something special in mind?” the woman asked. “Well,” Virginia replied softly, “is that young man that I had last time still here, I believe his name was Chris!” “Ummmmm, let me see if he’s in today,” she replied quickly. “Now let me see……….” “Yes, he’s just finishing up his break,” the she went on. “Would you like me to set up a room?” “Please,” Virginia answered softly, “and the sooner the better.”

The matronly woman sat a little nervously in and easy chair in the well appointed bedroom while waiting for Chris. It was really fixed up like a fine hotel room with a huge king size bed, fifty inch color TV with accompanying VCR, a fully stocked bar, and of course a bathroom with all the toys! She was lost in her own thoughts when she was jolted back to reality when Chris strode through the door with a big smile on his face. “Hello, Mrs. York, Carol said you asked for me personally!” “Y-yes,” she replied a little red faced. “I’m glad,” he replied smoothly while standing directly in front of her. “If I recall,” he said gently, “you like to open up the package yourself!” She didn’t even bother asking as her shaking fingers... Les hele novellen

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