A dream come true

A dream come true

It was a boring Sunday morning. She was sitting at the kitchen table having a cup of coffee when she heard a knock at the door.. To her surprise it was a man she had been dreaming about. She knew him for 6 yrs. His gorgeous blue eyes and bald head was just in her mind for days. He was wearing a tight pare of blue jeans, and a flannel sweater. He held something in his hand. It was a bag. He gave her the bag and then told her to put it on.

It was sexy langerie. Immediately she put it on. He was watching her. She ran the bath with whipping cream in her hand. He led her to the tub where he ate the whipping cream that was all over her sexy wet body.. Using her fingers she ran the tips up his chest and then to his swollen shaft. She gently rubbed the whipping cream over his shaft and slowly he began to breathe heavy. They were both covered in whipping cream.. They slowly got out of the tub and headed for the bedroom. She threw him on the the bed and began licking the whipping cream off of his body. His breathing became more intense as she licked him up and down. She used the tip of her tongue on his penis which began dripping precum.

She slowly moved her lips to his chest and around his nipples where the chest hairs were. She began to lick ever so lightly. His hand was around her wet juicy pussy which was calling for him. Her clit was erect and waiting for an entry. As she licked him and then slowly went back down to direct her attention to his enlarged penis she began to put her lips around the tip of his penis gently sucking the juice in.. His breathing was even more intense as he placed his fingers deep into her wet pussy. More vigorously she sucked in his penis even deeper and deeper until he was just about to cum.. Then she stopped. He was all over her, licking her lips and then directing it towards her pussy. His tongue would rub around her clit and her lips then he placed his tongue deep inside her wet pussy.. She began to grab his hair and then she grabbed ... Les hele novellen

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14/12 2023

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A dream come true

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