7th heaven

7th heaven

Several things had upset Ruthie Camden today, but mostly it was just two reasons. Her family and everyone else she knew treated her like she was 7 years old, when really she was 14. The second reason she was upset was Cecilia. Cecilia was Simon’s girlfriend before he left to go to college (even though he is only 16). Now she stuck around the house all the time with Ruthie’s mom, Annie, and Ruthie couldn’t help but be upset when her Mom spent all of her time with Cecilia and not her. Ruthie had been maturing a lot lately, and had been having confusing feelings.

Ruthie had just gotten home from school, and walked in the backdoor. She knew Lucy was still at school and her mom was the only one at home, before she could even tell her mom she was home she saw her in the living room laughing with Cecilia. Without a second glance Ruthie stomped up the stairs to her room. She sat in her room staring at the ceiling, not bothering to change out of the flannel skirt and white Polo shirt she had to wear as her school uniform. She heard the car outside. She walked over to the widow and glanced outside surprised to see her mom pulling their van out of the driveway.

Ruthie walked out into the hall guessing Cecilia had gone with her mom and felt it was finally safe to go downstairs. Before she could though she heard noises coming from her parent’s room. Ruthie crept to the door and cracked it slightly peeking in. Ruthie looked in to see Cecilia standing at her mother’s wooden dresser slowly opening one of the drawers. Seeing Cecilia like this made Ruthie realize why her brother had liked her so much Ruthie couldn‘t help but think she was gorgeous. She was wearing a white tank top and tight blue jeans that made her legs look longer than Ruthie thought hers would ever be, and her brown eyes shown brightly from under her long blonde hair. Ruthie’s eyes widened a little as it dawned on her what drawer she had opened it was her mother’s underwear drawer.

Ruthie watched as Cecili... Les hele novellen

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7th heaven

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