The dirtier, the better

The dirtier, the better

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, trying to find a position in the

hard wooden desk that wouldnt cause my ass to go numb. Just five more

minutes. Five more minutes and then my weekend could begin. I hated

friday classes. They always seemed to drag on, and this one was no

different. And to make matters worse, this particular lecture took

place in the oldest classroom on campus, complete with hard wooden

chairs circa 1904.

I put my pen down, clenching and unclenching my tired fingers as I

continued to listen to Dr. Crosss rousing lecture on skeletal muscle

physiology. Glancing around the room, I noticed the rest of the class

was just as bored as I was. Slumping back into my seat, I crossed my

arms and began to wait out the last few agonizing minutes.

"I think well end a little early today," Dr. Cross stated, setting his

papers down on the desk in front of him.

No sooner had those words exited his mouth than the room was filled with

the rustling of papers and the clicking of binder rings as the students

gleefully packed up their belongings.

"Oh, one more thing," he shouted above the noise. "If you missed last

class I need to speak with you about the project."

"Dammit," I muttered to myself. "I guess the weekend will have to wait a

few more minutes."

As the rest of the students filtered out of the room I made my way down

to the front. I expected more people to remain behind, but to my

surprise only myself and one other student were left. Although I

didnt know her name, I recognized the girl from a few of my classes.

Although she was extremely attractive, she always seemed to be by

herself. I found this a little strange since the hot ones usually had

throngs of friends and followers. She was quiet, which many people,

including myself, had often mistook for snobbiness, and had an air of

maturity about her. I knew many of the guys lusted after her, but as

far as I knew none had ever come close to getting anything at all. I

could... Les hele novellen

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14/12 2023

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The dirtier, the better

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