

Without any of the old jokes, being a traveling salesman can be a lonely life. Town to town, shaking endless hands, talking to people, and pretending to like them, if I didnt know better I could be a politician, but without the big money.

On this particular day, I was headed for another shit-hole town in California along a two-lane highway near the Nevada border. I saw her standing along the side, a small carry-on type suitcase at her feet. I dont usually pick up hitchhikers, but like I said, mine is a lonely life.

Throwing up dust, and gravel I pulled my Chevy pickup onto the dirt median just beyond her. I watched in my rear-view as she ran towards me, her long, raven hair bouncing, and blowing in the slight breeze that never seems to stop in part of the country. I also saw her tits, big and heavy, bouncing hard with every step. Her body overall was in decent shape, with curves in the right places. Then as she made it to the truck, out of breath, I saw her face.

It was rough. She looked to be about 40, but was probably only 30. Life on the road had been not so good for her. But those tits. She interrupted my thoughts when she spoke.

"Where ya headed?"

"Ill be going up 6 here for quite a while, how about you?"

"Anywhere but here," she grinned. Her voice was sweet and her teeth were glistening white, like she had just gotten out of the dentist chair. Smiling made her entire face kind of light up, and made that extra ten years kind of fade away. Or was it those tits?

She opened the door, tossed her bag onto the floor, and climbed in. I watched as she situated herself. Her low cut tank-top giving me quite a show, and I felt my nether regions stir just a little. I grinned thinking I was 20 again and just seeing a woman breast would give me a raging hard-on. Im not quite seeing my doctor for the little blue pill, but it dont snap the way it used to either.

I must have stared a little to long, because as she sat, and before she buckled her seatbe... Les hele novellen

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14/12 2023

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