No friend of mine

No friend of mine

I awoke to the noise of my mother and father returning from a party. I could hear my mom giggle as they struggled to climb the stairs. Based on the racket they were making out there, it was obvious they had partied hard. I took a glance at the clock on my nightstand. It read 2:17. I turned my head in the other direction and saw my friend Kevin, snoozing on top of his sleeping bag.

Kevin is a good friend of mine. Weve known each other since Junior High. During summer breaks, we usually make it a point to sleep over each others houses at least two or three times a month. Tonight was Kevins third time sleeping over my house this month. I really didnt mind, though, since he was fun to hang out with and always brought along some goodies like a porn DVD or an X-Box game. I put my head down on the pillow and let steady hum of the air conditioner take me back into a deep slumber. I awoke again but this time it was to relieve my full bladder. I threw the sheets aside and sat on my bed. I noticed Kevin was not in the room. He probably left to use the bathroom.

Since I was up already, I decided I might as well wait out in the hall until he finished his business. I shuffled out of my room and felt the warm blast of air surround my body. My father didnt like to use the central air conditioning unit if he didnt have to. Said it cost him a fortune to run. Thats why we all had a separate air conditioner in our rooms. I made my way along the carpet, rubbing my eyes, trying to focus in the dark. As I neared my parents bedroom, my ears picked up what sounded like a moan. I stopped in my tracks listening.

This time it was a grunt and a moan. Yes! My parents were fucking again. I was beginning to get an erection just thinking about my mom getting fucked by my dad. I hugged the wall as I crept closer to their bedroom. Using the palm of my left hand, I eased the door open, looked inside, and witnessed a sight I would never have believed if you had told me to my face. On my par... Les hele novellen

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No friend of mine

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