Fun among roommates

Fun among roommates

Tasha and I have became great friends and in just in a short while. Tasha moved in with my boyfriend Scott and I only three months ago (we are starving college students and needed the extra money but we got a lot more than money). Let me first off tell you about Tasha. She is petite, blonde hair, dark green eyes, and has some very perfect perky tits, though you couldnt ever tell by the clothes she wears. If I had to sum up her personality in one word it would be geek. She is very pretty though!

Now I am the exact opposite of Tasha. I am 57", red/brown hair, grey eyes, I have curves everywhere and I have VERY large tits, sometimes they are a blessing other time they are a pain!

I am mostly a prep. I was so afraid when Scott and I found out what a geek she was because I thought for sure she would fall for my geeky boyfriend, I was wrong...mostly.

It all started about a month ago. Like I said Tasha and I became quick friends, both of us were in college and both of us hated our classes. So one day Tasha suggested that she and I stay home and have a girls veg-out day complete with dramatic chick flicks.

Scott rolled his eyes at us that morning and left for class like a good boy. So there we were on the couch in our skimpy shorts and tank tops watching some romantic movie when all of a sudden the piece blanks out and we are starring at nothing and then something flickered back on to the screen, porn.

It looked like Scott taped over Tasha movie, or maybe she did, I still havent figured it all out yet. We both just sat there in silence watching the two girls getting it on with each other, than Tasha and I started laughing. We started making fun of the two girls in the video, their hair was too stiff, their moans were fake etc... I was getting very wet though and my guess was that Tasha was too.

The porn finally ended with a guy joining in and spraying cum all over the two girls naked body. We let the tape go to the end as we just laughed and giggled. Aft... Les hele novellen

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Fun among roommates

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