My straight, petite wife

My straight, petite wife

It all started when my wife and I were on our way to New Hampshire for a little mini vacation away from the kids. Now dont get me wrong we love our kids, we just needed some time to rekindle the flame in our relationship.

It had been two weeks since the last time we had made love due to all the running around with work, kids activities and so on. Needless to say we were both very horny.

Friday came and as I drove up in the yard I noticed that our blazer wasnt home. On the table was a note that she was bringing the kids to my parents and that she would be ready to go when she returned. On the table there was two 6-packs of Mikes lemonade with two bottles already empty.

Now knowing Ali Im sure she was already feeling the affects of the alcohol. My wife isnt the hard core drinker so when she has a little I know shes getting horny.

I jumped in the shower to get cleaned up and had an awfully hard time not to blow my load right there in the shower. My mind was starting to shift into high gear with thoughts of fucking my beautiful wife.

A few min. after I got out of the shower my wife showed up, walked in and kissed me full on the lips, me tasting the alcohol. I knew this was going to be good.

She was dressed in a white skirt cut about 2 inches above her thigh, white sneakers and little white socks [always a turn on to me and she knows it] with a button down yellow sleeveless blouse.

Our first hour on the road was pretty uneventful, just chatting about the week in general. Then once we were about 5 miles outside of Boston my wife was looking outside the window and suddenly yelped that a trucker was trying to look at her tits while staying on the side of us. well my first instinct was to be really pissed off, but I could see she was excited, not upset about the looks coming down though the window.

Now although I always thought Alis ass was her greatest feature, her tits are very firm and just beg to be sucked. Just as I realized what was going on... Les hele novellen

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My straight, petite wife

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