Meeting laura

Meeting laura

It was a normal Wednesday afternoon. I sat at my desk, bored, horny, and ready to get the fuck out of the cube that I called my office. I daydreamed of what I would be doing if I wasn’t stuck in this hell hole. Luckily, my company allowed me to use the internet for Instant Messaging.

I was talking to a buddy of mine I knew in college. We were a few states apart because I accepted a job in a completely new city; I thought it was time to start over. We had the usual chit chat about each others boring lives. His woman was being a complete pain in the ass lately. He told me she would hold out on sex for months at a time. He even said that he is enjoying masturbation as much as he did as a teenager. I felt bad for the guy.

We had talks of starting a business together. It had been our dream since we were freshmen in college. Well, we talked for years about it, nothing ever being done about it. Then one day, I said, FUCK IT! I’m going to get the ball rolling. I decided set it all up and get going! Jim said that once the LLC was set up he would move out so we could venture into self employment together.

I called Jim up and told him that it was time, everything is set up. Jim told me that he would be moving in a month, he had to sell his house and pack up all his junk. He arrived on a hot and muggy day in early September. We hugged and talked with great exuberance about how excited we were to finally be doing what we had dreamed of for years.

One day we were sitting at our computers drawing away when I asked Jim if he would give me a blow job. “Only if you give me one first,” he replied. I told him that I was kidding and just wanted to see what he would say. “Why don’t we make it a threesome and have somebody else lick my ass!” Jim exclaimed after a few minutes. I laughed it off and just kept working. A half hour later the thought kept appearing in my mind; me sucking his dick while he got his ass eat... Les hele novellen

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