My mom and the frat boys

My mom and the frat boys

It was during my junior year of college that I got alot closer with my mom. My dad hadnt been around for years and i talked to my mother about everything, so naturally she didnt mind when i told her Id be coming home for spring break with about five of my closest fraternity brothers. The guys always bust on me for my mom being hot, so they were all very excited to come home with me for the break.

On saturday night we all packed and started drinking for our last night at school, I was trying to find a slut that would take care of my cock for the night since it wouldnt be seeing any action for the next week. After walking aroung the dorms for a while i realized i was way more attracted to older women, and for some odd reason my mother kept flashing in my head. After an hour or so of this i decided that i couldnt wait any longer and i had to unleash my cock before it exploded. As soon as i was in my room I chained the door and pulled out my dick. Immediately i began pounding all 8 inches of my meat untill i felt the cum swelling at the base of my cock. Right as i reached an orgasm an image of my mother flashed in my head and I shot the biggest load i could ever remember.

Thoughts of my mother like this made me nervous but strangely excited, and with this I went to bed.

The next day me Mike and Dan came to my room and woke me up, we packed our stuf into my car and headed home. The drive took about four hours, but when we got there my mom was waiting for us and welcomed my friends with lunch. During lunch i noticed mike was staring at my mothers body, and i cant blame him it was very ine. She was 42 years old but looked much younger, and as i looked at my mother and watched mike stare at her I couldnt help but remember last night and my incestuous thoughts about mom. Suddenyle her supple breasts were begging to be let out of her blouse, and her tight hips needed to be ravaged and grabbed. My hard on was getting out of control so I concentrated on my food... Les hele novellen

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My mom and the frat boys

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