Husband delight

Husband delight

Jacky sat at her dressing table carefully applying her makeup, and when she was satisfied, she reached for her bra and slipped it over her arms and onto her shoulders whereupon she reached around and hooked the four catches that held her massive milk filled mammaries in place! This was to be the first real evening out since the baby was born and she was excited to be getting out of the house if even for only a few hours! Her husband James was singing loudly in the shower and after calling out that they were going to be late, he came shivering into the room while drying his dark curly hair.

“You had better step on it, hun,” she replied while standing up to slip into her panties. “Our reservations are for seven and we don’t want to be late!”

James stared at his beautiful wife as she dressed for the evening, and much to her consternation his big penis began to erect itself right in front of her, almost demanding to be taken care of on the spot.

“Now James,” she said while moving away from him, “we do not have time for that nonsense, keep your hands to yourself and get dressed, I mean it, now stop fooling around!”

Her huge chest shimmied back and forth in her low cut bra, and through the transparent material he could see her dark nipples clearly getting hard and poking out like little erections on her chest, so when he finally pressed his hard on against her belly and cupped her boobs in his large hands, she collapsed into him, a sure sign that she was all his. Two large wet spots appeared where her nipples stood out, and after literally tearing off the nylon harness, he lowered his mouth to her nipples and greedily sucked them until his mouth was flooded with a gusher of warm sweet milk.

“Oh, James,” she sighed while caressing his head to her breast, “you are incorrigible, what ever am I going to do with you, you are such a big boy!”

Now pushing her over the back of her chair with her legs spread, he pushed aside her bikini panties, and after runn... Les hele novellen

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Husband delight

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