A young boy, and an older man...

A young boy, and an older man...

I am what you might call “Sexually Confused”, I didn’t know weather I was straight, or bi-sexual. One thing I did know though was that I loved cross-dressing. Every time my mother left me alone in the house I would run into her room, completely strip off and try on her lingerie, or her dresses, and skirts. Thankfully, I was only 13, so I didn’t have hairy legs which meant that these dresses and skirts didn’t look too bad on me.

After a few weeks of cross-dressing, I decided I really needed someone to see me, to fulfil my fantasies. As I had recently been wishing I was a young girl, and I had a burning desire for older men. After my mother had left me alone at home for the sixth night on the trot, I did what I usually do and I paid a little visit to mum’s wardrobe. After getting slightly bored of getting myself off the usual way, I turned on the computer. I entered a chat room, and immediately got talking with someone who claimed to be a 38 year old straight man, however he was curious about the opposite sex. I told him I was the same, and I told him my age. He was okay with it. We exchanged MSN addresses, and chatted to each other quite regularly, he told me he lived in Derbyshire, which was close to me as I only lived in Nottinghamshire.

Three weeks went by, and we started talking as if we where best friends, his name was David, and he had one child and was divorced. We exchanged pictures, and watched each other do things on web-cam. He said I looked very pretty dressed as a girl, and he suggested that we meet up. As my Mum was away almost all the time, she wouldn’t notice if a man was staying in my room, so I accepted and I gave my address to David. We arranged for him to come around my house on the 16th of July, which happened to be a Friday.

The day came round quicker than what I expected it too, and at half 2 in the afternoon there was knock at the door. I opened the door, and David stood there. He was just as handsome and sexy as he was on his pic... Les hele novellen

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A young boy, and an older man...

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