A story for sharna

A story for sharna

I had secretly lusted after my neighbor Sharna almost since I was old enough to walk. We used to play all the time when we were pre-teens, and actually, she was the first girl I ever kissed.

We were still friends, but had gradually eased off, and I didn’t get anymore kisses from her.

One day, in my first year of college, I came home and was playing with the dog, and Sharna climbed over the fence, and sat on the bench of the picnic table.

“Guess what?” she said.

“What?” I replied distractedly, scratching the puppy on his ears.

“I just got my driver’s license! Yeah, I’m a year late, but I have it now! Want to go for a ride?”

“Well, sure,” I said. Where are we going?

“I’m going shopping!” I’d never seen Sharna so excited…it was so cute!

She took my hand, and it was so soft, I realized this sandbox pal had grown up! We got in her parents Toyota, but I could already tell she had territorial rights on it. It had a baby bracelet that said ‘Sharna’ on it hanging from the mirror, and also a necklace with a locket that she had showed me with a picture of her mother. More than anything, it smelled like her. I’m not sure if it was perfume, or shampoo, or what, but it was obvious that Sharna was in possession of this car.

She drove us to the mall, and we walked around. I’m not real good at malls, but it was fun, with her holding my arm. She embarrassed my by making me go with her while she bought all this makeup, but then we went shopping for books too.

Finally, we sat on a bench in the mall, and rested. She took the bag of the makeup she’d bought, and was looking at it. “Do you have anything sharp, Dave?”

“Well, yeah, have this dorky lil pocket knife on my keychain,” I said

“Gimme!” Sharna said, and I did. She used it to open a li’l package. It turned out it was a lipgloss she had bought. I saw it on TV, it’s Mabelline ‘Wet Shine’, and it’s so sexy. I kinda... Les hele novellen

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A story for sharna

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