After school

After school

Tommy stared out the class room window, his mind a thousand miles away from the from "Silas Marner", the seventh hour literature assignment for the day. His reverie was shattered by the sharp crack of Miss Parsons voice, "Tommy, will you please pay attention, I know this isnt the easiest assignment, but please try to keep your mind on the subject at hand!!!" "Yes maam," he mumbled, while again turning his gaze to the blue cloud filled sky. Mercifully the bell ending the period rang, and twenty eight juniors shuffled out the door and off to their next class, all that is except Tommy, who was detained by Miss Parsons before he could make his escape. "Sit down please," she asked, while motioning to the seat in the front row, "now you havent been yourself for over a week now, and I want to know if there is anything I can do to help you?" Tommy, now feeling more miserable than ever, just shrugged his shoulders and mumbled, "Theres nothing anyone can do." "Well," she replied, "I want to see you in here after school and well see if we can get to the bottom of this, now off to your last period class!" Hurrying down the hall, Tommy thought, "Christ, thats all I need, meddling by a dumb teacher!" He barely made to his eighth period social studies class and thankfully, for the next fifty three minutes his mind was off his problem.

At exactly 3:45pm Tommy entered Miss Parsons class room where he found her busily correcting some papers from the days assignments. She had her head downand didnt realize he was there, so he cleared his throat, startling her a little, but she quickly regained her composure and said, "Good, Im glad you made it, now maybe we can get to the bottom of this, please sit down," while she went over and closed the door. Returning to her desk, she sat down, leaned forward and asked, "Now, Tommy, tell me exactly whats been bothering you, your grades have slipped, and youre not paying any attention in class!" "Well, Miss Parsons, I uh, well, I dont know exac... Les hele novellen

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After school

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