Forced- I dont think so!

Forced- I dont think so!

Every thursday night for 5 years I have been comming to the same singles dance.The same faces, the same tables, the same music ,played the same d.j. How boring .Why do I come? Is it realy better than being alone. Who knows.

As I come into the room I look around the room I think where to sit.Many of these women that I was so excited about sitting with in hopes to fuck ,now I would even buy them a cup of coffee. How depressing.

The music starts Men are at a premium so as long as I am here I might as well dance.The women make small talk, I rub up and down on there tits, they dont mind.I dont seem to get the same feeling I once did.

I am 52 most of the women are my age or older.Some I have fucked were pretty good.I have even got a few blowjobs in the parking lot after the dance. The one girl I realy liked was 47 and divorced she could suck your cock and make you scream uncle. She married one of the club owners ,so I guess he gets to cry uncle anytime he wants.

At 9:30 the band takes a break.I look over at the door and a new man walks in.He is tall with broad shoulders and a bright smile.I am sure the women are going to eat him alive. Before he finds a table 3 women are at him,sit with me ,no me .It brings back memories of when I started here. I think there is plenty of pussy here for every man if he wants it.

At 10:30 another break .I have had 2 beers an need one.As I stand at the urinal the stranger comes in and stands beside me " some night bla,bla,bla. " he offers. I glance over at his cock the thing is huge by any standard,he shakes it and puts it away. I laugh to my self, some lady here is going to get the suprise of her life. I am thinking I hope its Annie the night I fucked her she keep saying " shove it in all the way,fill my cunt,fuck me hard." The night moved on without any thing special happening.I didnt win the door prize of a big 10.00 dollars or a free ticket to next weeks dance. I always say if you win the free dance ticket you have to co... Les hele novellen

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Forced- I dont think so!

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