Why you shouldnt go home with strangers part 1-2

Why you shouldnt go home with strangers part 1-2

There she kneels, on one of my toys. The toy is basically just two 2x4s set up three feet apart from one another, with two additional iron bars joining them together in the middle. The two bars can be moved separately or jointly along the entire height of the toy, which is five feet tall. The boards are connected at the base by a 5x5 particle board. Along each vertical bar, there is a roller, capable of going along the length of the bar up to where the bottom iron bar is set.

Shes a brunette, maybe 53". She has may favorite size breast, which is a full C cup. Besides her breasts, shes very petite. She might be 18 years old, but I didnt bother asking her and dont currently care. She is very firm. She probably plays a sport. She has large hazel eyes that are probably red from crying. Her lovely breasts are currently being squished between the two iron bars, theyre each a dark red, and they seem to be getting darker every moment. Her legs are strapped to each roller at the knee, keeping them separated and her kneeling. I have a glorious view of her shaved pussy. Her arms are tied tightly behind her. They might lose circulation, but thats only one more problem thats hers alone. Maybe I lack compassion.

I met her at a club with a mark on her hand signifying shes too young to drink. Id bet shes too young to have been there at all, but looks may fool. We danced, I wasted money buying her drinks, and we got to talking about sex. I mentioned that Im a bit kinky, and she said she was, too. We talked for a bit more, but the conversation always ended up back on kinky sex every few minutes. In that time, I learned she had never been tied up, fucked in the ass, spanked, skull fucked, or anything. Im not sure what she thinks kinky is, but she showed no signs of having had any kinky sex. She had been slapped once while giving a blow job, but thats not nearly as kinky as I like it. When I first started tying her arms behind her she seemed uncertain if she should allow me to do... Les hele novellen

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Why you shouldnt go home with strangers part 1-2

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