Welcome to the gay side

Welcome to the gay side

When I was kidnapped at 13 by two men who were gay, they cionverted me to their side after some very intensive training and pleasure. See what its like to be a sex toy to those who want to corrupt you.

It was the summer of 1969; the warm weather had given rise to new hope as went returned from a wonderful tropical Gulf Coast Holiday to our Midwestern home. My dad and mom in the front seat, my two older sisters in the back seat and me and my little sisters in the rear of the family station wagon.

Everyone was feeling good and relaxed and explains why the sister’s slept soundly as we pulled in for gas in the middle of nowhere. Dad was busy checking the oil with the attendant as mom got out and went inside to buy some sacks. I plopped out the back window that had been rolled down since we left and scurried to find the bathroom. It was 13, a small boy just five feet, thin around 90 pounds and until this week I was pale, now I was tanned like leather. I had on my trunks and flip flops and nothing else. My sunned long blonde hair had me looking like a half naked little girl. I have blue eyes and everyone who sees them says they sparkle.

I was around behind the pumps and at the side of the building before anyone in my family knew it. Just as I found the men’s room, I saw two young men out back smoking cigarettes. They spied me and I saw their expression of wow, and sort of a devilish grin, as I ducked inside the room. It was cool and dreary looking, and smelled to high heaven. I made my way over to the commode and dropped my trunks and plopped out my little cock. I had no real body hair at all and as I stood there relieving myself, the door opened and in walked both young men. To be polite I calming said, “I’ll be done in a moment.”

These two men, were around six one or two. They were dressed in slightly worn jeans and no shirt and one was a black man, with almost no hair. The white boy was sort of wild eyed looking with curly waves of black... Les hele novellen

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Welcome to the gay side

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