Vice Cop

Vice Cop

I was a fresh rookie when I drew this prostitution sting operation. Wiggling back and forth along a the three block strip, trying not to fall off my incredibly high heels was not my idea of real police work. My dad had been a beat cop and both my brothers were narcs. I wanted to make them proud, but this wasnt the way I wanted to do it.

"Jen, you are not working vice!" dad had said when I told him.

"Pop, you know as well as I do that I have to do what Im assigned to. I cant pick and choose my jobs."

"Look, Ill call in some favors. I can get you on traffic detail or something." he said.

"No! Thats not how I want to start my career...." I answered, getting up from the table to pour another cup of coffee.

"But its dangerous Jen. You weigh what? Maybe 98 pounds, how are you going to fight off some pervert?" Dad was gesturing wildly, in danger of knocking over his own coffee. The stains on the table cloth marked past arguments around this table.

"Im up to a hundred and three pounds thank you very much. Besides there will be two big burly man cops parked across the street covering my ass. Dont worry dad." I said. That had been only this morning but my confidence was fading. Across the street now seemed a million miles away. I was wearing a wire so Travis and Gleason could hear but not talk back to me. The gun in my purse was little comfort. You cant quick draw from a hand bag.

I wore thong underwear to get into the role, but now out on the street I felt completely exposed despite the mini skirt. After the second hour of walking the street I was starting to feel that I was wasting my time. A few cars slowed, but I guess my skinny little ass didnt appeal to them and they kept going. My feet were killing me. How did these girls do this every night?

What was I doing anyway? Trying to arrest guys for being horny. This whole thing was a wastes of tax dollars. A car finally stopped and the window slid down. A long white Lincoln. He must have driven throug... Les hele novellen

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Vice Cop

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