The warriors initiation ceremony

The warriors initiation ceremony

The young men of the village are eager to join the warrior class - but first they must be initiated. They have to milk the seed out of the current warriors balls using their hot, tight asses.

The warriors were weary to the bone as they made their way up the long hill

to the village. Sweat glistened on their muscular torsos and dust and grime

streaked their handsome faces. At last the battle was won and their

homeland was once more safe.

The women of the village started ululating when they saw their men slowly

making their way home. ‘The gods be praised!’ they cried out as they set

about building a fire to heat water for the men to bathe with. Anxious eyes

scanned the approaching band; mercifully no one was missing.

When the men reached the village the women fell at their feet and burst in

to tears, happy to have their men back again. Jugs of weak wine and water

were brought out and the men drank deeply to refresh themselves. Then they

lay down their swords and took off their loin cloths and stood there, naked

as the day they were born, and what a sight to behold they were.

To the last man they were fit and strong, the best fighting men for miles

around. One or two of the widows gazed longingly at all that prime male

flesh on display. Large cocks and small jutted out of black pubic hair

that nestled at the base of flat stomachs and between powerful sun bronzed

thighs. The women brought out the hot water and the men washed away the

grime that coated their bodies and eased the aches and pains out of their

muscles. The men laughed and joked as they recounted tales of their epic

battle. They were completely at ease with each other as they washed each

others back and were totally unconcerned with having spectators as they eased

back their foreskins and cleaned their cock heads.

Later that evening the men were reclined on cushions in the home of the

village elder while the woman fussed about them. The best wine was brought

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