The tease

The tease

To Jamie, nothing on earth could compare to the beauty of a thick, hard cock standing upright against a young mans firm, flat belly--well, a circumcised cock, at any rate; she didnt like the look of an uncut penis, especially when it was flaccid. But a cut cock! There was nothing prettier! She loved the way the balls rose inside the contracted pouch of the silken scrotum, to hug the base, or root, of a mans organ; she loved the tight tangle of pubic curls that decorated a mans groin; she loved the way the reddened flesh became taut upon the stiff, standing shaft; she loved the way the glans swelled, ripening from pink to purple, as it, like the rest of the penis, became engorged with blood.

She loved the way a mans thighs quivered and jerked as he neared orgasm; she loved the way his hips bucked; she loved the way his cock lurched and strained inside her mouth or her ass as he lost control and began to spurt his thick, warm, viscid semen over her tongue, her palate, and the insides of her cheeks or deep into her rectum. Shed always felt this way about an erect, circumcised penis, even when shed had no breasts and her round buttocks lacked their present fullness and depth, as, of course, they had when shed been James, rather than Jamie, a male instead of a shemale. She would always love penises.

Indeed, as much as she adored her womanly bosom and her feminine fanny, as much as she admired her sleek, clean-shaven legs, her makeup and hair and nails and all the other accoutrements and trappings of femininity--the bras and panties and stockings and skirts and blouses and dresses and jewelry--she would never part with her cock and balls. She would remain a "chick with a dick" rather than allowing doctor to emasculate her completely. She would not submit to mutilation. She didnt need an artificial cunt to be a woman, because gender was a psychological, not a physical, matter. In her heart and her mind, she was a woman, a shemale, a chick with a dick, and she was... Les hele novellen

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The tease

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