The dance of the little serpents

The dance of the little serpents

As I walk up to Donna I reach out with my large hands to hold that beautiful face of hers. She smiles and her hazel eyes twinkle as I gently hold her head and bring my head close to hers. At first she thinks I want to kiss her, but not yet. An inch from her lips I stop and breathe her breath into me. Her warm, sweet breath fills my lungs with passion and then it spreads to all of my body. I tingle with the essence of Donna that now freely travels all of me. I close my eyes and enjoy the sensations.

My head moves forward and our lips meet. The kiss is slow and gentle. My lips play with her top lip, gentle bites with lips from one side to the other I taste my love, then downward to her lower lip to do the same. All the time my big hands hold her face while my thumbs gently massage her cheeks.

Donnas tongue sneaks out of her mouth like a tiny red serpent seeking entrance to my mouth. I allow it to enter where it finds its own kind. Both serpents dance together in that dance of love and excitement that have been played out for thousands of years.

I break up the dance and pull my head away as Donna moans out her frustrations. "Donna," I say as I kiss each of her eyes. "Do you want to play," I ask. With a smile on her face, she bites her lower lip and nods her head yes.

Releasing her head I reach down with my left hand to take her right one. For a moment I look at the difference in size of our hands, hers seems to be so small surrounded by mine. With a smile on my face I lead Donna to the bedroom.

There are black silk sheets on the bed. Long black silk scarves are tied to each corner with their loose ends coiled like serpents ready to strike. Black lighted candles cover the night stands and head board, a soft light that dances across the eyes of my love as she takes in what awaits her. Her nostrils flare outwards as she breathes in the incense from the brazier. She licks her lips leaving them wet so that they too reflect the subtle light of the candles. I... Les hele novellen

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The dance of the little serpents

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