The back way in London

The back way in London

I’m waiting for the Circle Line train to my hotel at London Kings Cross. The train arrives. Packed, but it is the famous London rush hour. I slide in the best I can between the other passengers.

After a station or two, I notice a strange sensation… an unexpected move… a hand pressing into my back.

I can’t move. Resigned, I let the unknown hand follow its track. I look around me without coming up to guess who it is, since it’s impossible for me to turn around.

The unknown hand moves away from my shoulders to caress my back… wanders lower and lower. I sigh.

A sudden move pulls me out of my daze. The travellers around me are getting off at

Baker Street

like a herd and threaten to drag me out with them. I grab hold of the overhead rail and lean against the pole. Barely have I put my back on it to rest that a woman comes in front of me and puts her arm through mine.

At last I look at her. Eyes shining, her body presses softly against mine, in rhythm with the train’s shakes. Her perfume, stinging flavour mixed with her skin’s hot one, excites my nostrils. I guess the temptation to put her hand on my chest and to snuggle into my arms. She’s beautiful, impatient…

Then I feel her hand slide again in my back and I understand. A shiver crosses my body then, uncontrolled, and I feel a new energy overflowing me, desire taking hold of my body.

Without a word, I take her in my arms and a radiant smile lights her face, like a silent thankfulness. She nestles against me, breathes deeply like she wants to get impregnated with my odour. And a heat spreads out along my penis.

Her hand, in my back, lies upon my arse and presses my body against hers. Her head rests on my shoulder and she smiles, eyes closed, like a fulfilled lover. Without daring a caress, I observe her, totally absorbed by the caress she gives to herself. And my mind imagines bare the curves of her body, the smoothness of her skin, her pubic hair entangled with mine, her sex sliding slowly on my thig... Les hele novellen

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The back way in London

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