Technical virgins

Technical virgins

My sister, Kami, she’s two year younger than me, so that makes her 16 now and about 14 when all this started. I’m Tracy. Until pretty recently we were both virgins – I mean, technically.

You gotta understand, we were really big on being virgins – mostly the pregnancy thing. Our parents would be very – I mean very very – distressed if either of us got knocked up.

But of course we wanted to be popular and were pretty normally hormonally horny. So we blew guys. I mean, we blew a lot of guys. It wasn’t like we were dating that much but we would hang out a lot with our friends and in our group it was pretty ok to do that instead of having sex. The guys were pretty cool about not trying too hard to fuck us if they knew they were going to get to squirt before the night was over.

And of course these were young, horny guys so a lot of times they could squirt two or three times if they had the incentive.

And we were big on incentive.

We had this friend, Monica, who was really kind of a slut. I mean she actually fucked guys. She was pretty rich and her parents were always away someplace so a lot of us hang out at her house. Nobody was coupled up and there was a lot of hooking up like just for an evening – or maybe an hour. Monica was pretty into doing more than one guy every time we all got together. She really didn’t make any secret of it. She would do them on her parents’ bed and leave the door open and sometimes we’d watch. She kind of got off on that. At first some of the guys were a little shy about it, but after while and we all got to know each other better, the guys would be pretty into it too.

Besides, after a while, everybody had pretty much hooked up with everybody so we all knew what our stuff looked like – and tasted like.

Kami liked to blow guys while people watched. She wasn’t bashful at all. And she was always quick to pick up on new stuff.

I guess I should talk about how everything started.

Of course, I’m older so I was doing stuff b... Les hele novellen

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Technical virgins

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