Storebought cuckold

Storebought cuckold

For a long time I have had fantasies of being cuckolded by my wife. The whole idea of her deriving sexual pleasure from someone elses cock was driving me wild. I toyed with the idea of convincing her to take some new lovers so that she would experience the joy of having a bigger and better cock stuffed inside her. I believed however that this would be a futile endeavor because she was not the type of woman who would agree to this sort of thing. She needed the soft loving relationship that we had developed over the years and would probably not be able to relax and feel comfortable enough to enjoy the experience. I was also afraid that if she did fool around with someone else that he or they would interfere with our daily life. This I did not want to happen. Yet, at the same time the fantasy of her sharing her body with others still raged within me. I wanted her to have sexual encounters and pleasures that I was not able to provide and to be replaced as her sexual partner.

My plan was two-fold. First I needed a cock to replace mine. This was easily achieved by purchasing one from a mail order catalogue. I was going to be replaced by a store bought lover. I ordered a simple plastic vibrator with a length of 7" and 1 1/4" diameter and metallic gold in colour. With these dimensions she would not be scared off yet at the same time she would now experience a member two inches longer than mine in her pussy. Then second part of my plan would be to ensure that her sexual pleasure with her vibrator would be more satisfying than with my cock.

When the fateful night came I told her I had a surprise for her and she had to meet a few conditions in order to receive it. I did not want her to form any preconceived ideas about her new dildo until she had cum all over it. After some kissing and fondling during which time I had her completely naked I told her to place a blindfold over her eyes and she could have her gift. Slightly reluctant she complied. I started by giving her am... Les hele novellen

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Storebought cuckold

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