Prey and predators

Prey and predators

Prey; Animals hunted or killed by other animals, person or thing that falls a victim.

Predator; Predatory animal; of or addicted to plunder or robbery, preying naturally upon others.

Two words Prey, and Predator and the dictionary meaning. Well in the following incident I am the prey…all be it a willing victim…nay a very willing victim all others were the predators.

Strange how some things just come together from a sequence of events set in motion by our own thinking. I suppose in the animal kingdom they say to themselves or think to themselves as they cannot talk of course. “I’m hungry I must go and feed…where’s the best place to feed” a watering hole that’s where. Now if it were you and me we’d think “Ah now I’m hungry let’s go and grab a Big Mac a Pizza or whatever you’re favourite food outlet might be, with the animals or birds of prey they have learned where to go to catch a good meal.

I had sat and thought about how good it would be to find someone with a nice large erection and enjoy the feeling of bliss and euphoria as he slipped a length of that hard penis inside me…the more I thought about it the more I wanted it…just the thinking had me excited…I just had to get me some hard cock.

Now at the same time there were the predators who were watching a porn movie…excitedly watching every move on the TV screen as they stroked their hard erection…erections that had been brought on by watching the porn movies in the first place?

The main predator was a guy by the name of Mark Swindell….Mark was akin to the lion and would be first to take the spoils any others would take the left overs…like the hyenas jackals…vultures etc…etc all the way down the chain. All of them had been thinking…thinking about sex and how good it would feel to be having a good fuck right now as they stroked and fondled their hard penises. I on the other hand was thinking how good it would be to stroke and fondle their hard proud cocks.

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Prey and predators

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