Pleasure moon

Pleasure moon

I was in the middle of a wonderful dream when the ships stabilizers lunged and threw me out of my bunk. I jumped to my feet and ran to the terminal in my room. I pulled up the ship’s systems and it showed a large asteroid had slammed into the ship’s port nacelle and ripped it clean off. The door to my room slid open with a swish, and there in an almost see threw gown was my mother.

Her dirty blonde hair was wild from just being thrown out of bed as well. She looked at me with her worried blue eyes and asked.

“What happened Bryan?”

I grabbed on some pants to cover my thin boxers I wore. I pulled them up and told her to get dressed quickly. I pushed past her and headed for the cockpit. The ship’s alarms keened as I ran down the hall and swayed the right down the cockpit corridor. I sat in the pilot’s seat and grabbed the controls. The ship was not responding well. Soon mom came up behind me and I looked at her worried.

“The ship is not going to make it. Start loading the Emergency Equipment in to the shuttle.”

Mom nodded and ran back out the cockpit door. I quickly looked over the star maps. We were in the far edge of the Core Rim and not in a well explored quadrant. I quickly found a small moon lush with life and vegetation. There appeared to be no civilization or technology. At the distance we were at, it would take about a full day at Warp 1 which was the highest the shuttle would do.

I tried to set a course that would bring us a little closer to the moon, but I didn’t think it would make much difference. I grabbed the portable computer and began downloading the majority of the computer core’s knowledge on the region and survival. I grabbed the computer and mom’s voice came across the intercom and told me she had the Emergency Equipment loaded.

I ran down the corridor and into the launch bay, Mom had the shuttle prepped and ready we climbed abroad and strapped in. I reached over and helped my mom strap in and as I did I brushed my hand across... Les hele novellen

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Pleasure moon

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