Oregon coast

Oregon coast

I fell in love with a woman on the internet. I spent months courting and trying to seduce her, not an easy task, when all there is to a relationship is words on a page and frets about conventional wisdom. This is the story of how it was when we finally met. We were both so unsure of how to proceed, how to make the sex that we both wanted actually occur. It was one thing to think about it, quite another to have it happen.


"There’s a place along the Oregon Coast, a public campsite, that I must introduce you to. I dont remember the name of it offhand, but it is pretty far South from here, and there’s a lighthouse that you can walk to."

When I suggest that we go there, you look skeptical. I invited you to come to Portland, and you were expecting to stay at my home with my family. You’ve got all sorts of reservations. After all, I’m some sort of wacko you met on the internet! But you’ve been "talking" to me for ten months--now’s not the time to say you can’t trust me.

I take your hands in mine, and look deep into your greenish eyes, and say, "Let me show you what I mean. The coast is so beautiful. Don’t you want to see the ocean?"

"Well, yes." You consent reluctantly.

I’m stunned by how adorable you are. You have mousy brown hair, a small nose, and a slight scar along your cheek. I think you told me in an email long ago that you got the scar when you were a child and your brother accidently hit you with a rock. You’ve got hot, perky tits and a small ass. You exercise. Your shapely legs tell the story of someone who can mountain bike eight miles a day. But somehow, you don’t seem secure in your looks. Your breasts are lost under a shirt that’s way too big. Your hair’s pulled back and clipped with a dozen little clips. No make up.

I wanted you to be attracted to me, and I’m not afraid to admit it. I wore a tank top with no bra and some tight jeans. I dyed my hair a redder brown than my natural color. I dashed a hint of plum lipstick across my... Les hele novellen

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Oregon coast

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