My sister and the horses

My sister and the horses

I started my own business and my wife took a new job out of town. Maggie would come home on Friday night and leave on Sunday night. This left us horny all week.

Maggie was staying with her sister Bonnie and renting a room from her. Bonnie had been raising mini horses for many years. Since it was springtime on the farm there was a lot of breading going on. The stud horse “Jake” was in heaven as he got to fuck every day.

Maggie and I were fucking doggy style one Saturday afternoon when she blurts out YES FUCK ME HARD JAKE. I say who the fuck is Jake? Mag said you know the horse at Bonnie. I ask her if she wanted the horse to fuck her and she said no but it turns me on to watch the horses breading. I then asked why she said fuck me hard Jake. Maggie said well I was thinking that I was the mare that he was fucking.

The next Thursday Maggie called and said that she had fallen on the cement steps and skinned her knees. When she got home I looked at her knees and it looked as if the skinned spots were more like rug burns. I got Maggie out of her clothes and was giving her a massage. I looked at her pussy lips and they were all puffy, swelled up and bruised looking. Mag would not let me get near her pussy all weekend. The thought of her fucking Jake the stud horse flooded my mind.

I was to go see Maggie the next weekend and help her with a project. I was to meet her on Saturday morning. I finished my contract on Wednesday so I thought I’d surprise Maggie and go see her early. I got to Bennie’s around 8:30 pm. I knocked on the door and got no answer. Maggie and Bennie’s cars were in the driveway.

I walked out back to the barn area and noticed that all the horses were in the barn.

I stepped up to the door and listened. I could hear Bonnie and Maggie talking. Bonnie said this is how I let Jake fuck me so my knees don’t get sore. I found a peek hole that I could look into and there was Bonnie on her back on a bale of hay with Jakes har... Les hele novellen

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My sister and the horses

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