My husband’s bachelor party

My husband’s bachelor party

When I found out my husband had a wild bachelor party planned I decided to arrange a little surprise for him and crash his party and bust up his fun. The surprise was on my though, as I found out what a real bachelor party is like with seven drunk and horny guys!

My husband, Rob, had two bachelor parties. One was conservative, a steak dinner with wine and cigars that was attended by family members and certain friends. The other was with six of his college friends who were all single and big party animals. That party promised to be very wild with lots of alcohol and even strippers, especially since Rob was the first of them to get married. Rob did not try to deny his friends were planning to get him a stripper even though they did not discuss the details with him but we both knew they would. He asked me to trust that he would keep his hands off any stripper and that nothing would happen. I didn’t like his friends even though one was his best man (Tim) and two others were in our wedding party (John and Kevin) but I trusted Rob and agreed to let him go.

Then the weekend before his bachelor party I found their plans through Tim’s girlfriend (Katie) who had read an email detailing the plans. They were to go out for happy hour and hit a few bars getting Rob drunk, then go to a strip club before heading back to Tim’s apartment where another stripper would show up. I thought it was strange that they would hire a stripper to go to Tim’s apartment after coming from a strip club, like why not just stay there? That’s when Katie told me knowing those guys they hired the stripper to fuck Rob and taking him to the strip club is just to get him drunk and horny. I got so scared at that thought and wanted to tell Rob he couldn’t go but Katie had an idea to ruin their plans and test Rob’s honesty at the same time. After hearing her out I decided to go along with it.

That Friday night, the night of his bachelor party, we put our plan in motion and set Rob up for a ... Les hele novellen

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My husband’s bachelor party

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