My First (Forbidden) Orgasm

My First (Forbidden) Orgasm

I'm still very young, and new to the sexual world. So even after I broke up with the boy I lost my virginity to, I still believed him when he told me that I had had an orgasm. The stupid idiot. Who was he to tell me about MY orgasms?

As you might be able to tell from his general arrogance, it was a nasty break up and I had a hard time tearing myself away from the first person I ever loved and had sex with. I needed a guy to comfort me (not intentionally sexual) and my closest guy-friend was my ex-boyfriends best friend. We sat in his car, just talking about anything BUT relationships. We couldn't deny the sexual tension--tickling, cuddling, lord he even started feeling up my tits just to prove he could (I dont know...)--but we knew we couldn't induldge, my ex would have a fit.

Thats when we happened to look out the, thankfully tinted, car window only to see MY ex and HIS ex, holding hands and obviously returning from making out. The hypocrit. All bets were off, I no longer respected his feelings. The only problem was, would my guyfriend even want me?

We ducked down, hiding from their eye sight and laying across the back seats of his car, but only to find our bodies closer together than ever before. His hand was on my hip, holding me onto the seats, and me afraid of falling (or maybe giving into my deeper desires) pulled his hips closer to mine. I could feel his cock growing larger from under his pants. Our eyes were locked, trying to read each others minds. But neither of us were really thinking, our bodies were being controlled by something different...

He placed his hand behind my head, pulling me closer, but the surprise, that he (this amazingly beautiful man) would want me, made me flinch. As I was falling backward he grabbed me, pulling me on top of him. My legs spread and my skirt exposing my wet pussy. I've never ached for anybody more. He pulled me into his buldge and began rotating me. I bent over his body to kiss him and we began to make out.... Les hele novellen

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14/12 2023

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My First (Forbidden) Orgasm

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