Mind blowing orgasms

Mind blowing orgasms

Sean had met Jennifer online almost one year ago. They corresponded and chatted with each other for a while and started getting very fond of each other even though they had never met. Trust gradually built up when they found how much they cared for each other. As Halloween rolled around, they worked jointly on a project that brought them closer. They exchanged dreams and fantasies and what they wanted out of life.

Soon after that, a natural progression of events followed as they told each other their real names, exchanged pictures, and then Sean called Jennifer on the phone one day. This call was a turning point in their relationship. They began talking frequently, and the more they talked, the more deeply they fell in love. Since they lived across the country from each other, they could not meet that easily yet they became very intimate on the phone. While most people dont consider phone sex as real sex since there is no physical contact, yet the imagination of having sex along with each other while hearing sexy words over the phone can bring mind-blowing orgasms while masturbating during the phone call!

Eventually they couldnt resist the temptation of physically bridging the gap between them. Sean suggested he fly out to see Jennifer in her home town and she agreed to meet him at the airport. They were both excited as they finalized their plans to meet.

Jennifer had waited at the airport for what seemed to be an eternity, when the Continental flight landed and she could see Seans plane as it connected to the jetway. Her heart was beating faster at the thought of seeing her lover for the first time. She wondered if everything would turn out as planned. What if there was no physical chemistry between the two? She shrugged off that thought quickly. They had already developed a lot of emotional intimacy and there was no reason why physical intimacy couldnt develop the same way.

In preparation for their time together, Sean had given her several gifts, among... Les hele novellen

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30 år
14/12 2023

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Mind blowing orgasms

Varighet 22:41 min

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