

I never imagined I could be so brazen to fuck a stranger but it was only the beginning.

I had spent the previous seven years working in the outpatient department of the hospital and had pretty much settled into the routine. Monday through Friday, nine am to five pm, the clinic serviced the medical needs of the surrounding community. Monday’s were OB-GYN; Tuesdays were bone clinic, Wednesday’s cardiac follow-up with Thursday and Friday’s as open days to any needed follow-up.

Today had been like any other cardiac care follow-up day with the usual blood pressure checks, blood draws and EKG’s. Ken was back in again for his monthly check-up. His recovery from a heart attack six months earlier had been going very well. Over fifty and in reasonably good shape for his age. His work history in construction had made his hands gnarled and his muscled body still hard from the rigors of building. The other nurses didn’t care to do his check-ups as he was ill mannered and handy (if you know what I mean). Today he was to have an EKG and he was not in a particularly good mood.

“Good Morning, Ken!” I said in my most cheery voice as I entered the examination room. “Please sit on the table and remove your shirt. I just need to attach these electrodes.” I said as I held up the patched leads. Ken yanked the corduroy shirt out of his jeans and began unbuttoning it grumbling as he did so, “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.” I looked up to see a sly grin on his face and a sparkle in his eyes as he stared at my chest. “Maybe later,” I quipped as I placed the first electrode on his chest. I noticed his skin had been toughened by years of outdoor work and his muscles were still tone from decades of hard labor. He had more hair on his chest, arms and back than I had seen on other men. I noted his breathing was becoming more rapid as I attached each electrode. As I finished his strong arm slid around me, drew me close and kissed me. I had instinctively yielded to this strong ... Les hele novellen

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