Iraqi beauty

Iraqi beauty

Ive always been a hard guy, i joined the army in the 1980s, been to somalia,iraq and afghanistan but whos complaning? I was a leader of my squadrant, not to brag, anyways heres my story. ( p.s two part story ) sorry bout the long entry and all.

Ok it started off on a normal patrol, nothing really happened in my sector, our units were to patrol the hospital area for a 4km district. Round and round these winding streets really get to you after a while, boredome that is. We were on our last round and heading back to the hospital for last check in before we were off dutie.

Our large green truck holding me and 2 of my squad pulled up and andy jogged in to get the report, obviously as eager to get off duty as me. Not many people were in this area. Wouldnt blame them, the few houses that surrounded the road were old ratty and badly structured with rusty metal sheets used as roofs.

As the fall of sadam started the few tall buildings were abandoned looted and then left, other than the hospital, the streets were pretty decent and not covered in rubbish and shit like the others. It had many side streets and alleys which were always a nusence as we had to be on gaurd and check every one of them for suspects. Ecspecially now that the sun was lowering leaving the alleys in complete darkness.

Two nurses walked out of the building and headed towards us and past our convoy. They had light tanned skin like the kind you get in the sun not one of the normal iraqi tans, they both had creamy soft skin and great sculptured faces and damn great bodies. Both had large breasts, tight round asses and a great smell as they walked past. Obviously they belonged to one of the neighbouring rich families.

Shane and I looked drewlingly at the chicks as they strutted their stuff into the looming darkness that swarmed the road. "Think they need a lift" shane joked to me staring godsmacked at the two disapearing figures. I smirked at shane then watched as andy made his way out and back... Les hele novellen

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