hot night

hot night

Its only a bit before midnight but I find myself pushing my way past people to get outside, get out of this club, and get home. The night had started so well, the three of us had piled out of the taxi to lots of whistles, from men and women. The doorman, a big strong black man with muscles galore and a chest to absolutely die for, had ushered us to the front of the line and in without a wait. We were all thrilled and expect to get swamped in offers of dances, drinks and rides to their place or ours.

The club had been hopping, wall to wall people moving and jerking to the beat of the dance music screaming out of the giant speakers everywhere. The air was thick with cigarette smoke, sweat, cigar smoke, and a thick cloying smell of sexual tension. It seemed everywhere you looked people were horny, looking about for someone to score with. My friends got picked up in a couple seconds and were soon to be seen dancing out in the rest of the dancers, their bodies jerking and swaying to the beat of the music, so sexy, so looking like they belonged. Me on the other hand, I cornered my way up to the bar, pressed in on both sides by heavy breathing sweaty men and women trying to get drinks for their friends and soon-to-be lovers.

I milked three drinks, at first an enormous margarita, orange instead of the typical pinkish red in celebration of Halloween, then what is called a Romulan ale, I had never had one before. Very surprised one could be found there, I had heard of it from trekkies and seen a recipe in some magazine, though never could convince myself or my friends to actually get one made up. I figured, what the heck why not, its Halloween. The bartender smirked when I told him, tried to tell me its not that bad of a night yet. I simply looked at him for a minute, he looked back then shrugged and turned to make it.

He was at it for some time, then he turned back to me and handed me a martini glass mostly full of this weird blue drink. I looked at him quizzically ... Les hele novellen

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14/12 2023

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hot night

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