Grocery girl

Grocery girl

It’s a Tuesday evening. I was kicked back watching TV after a long day working in the heat. I had stopped and pick up some fast food on the way home not wanting to cook anything. Not to mention my oven was broken. It seems everything in this god forsaken apartment falls apart so it doesn’t surprise me when something breaks.

So after I ate the burger and fry’s I began to crave some ice cream. Of course my empty frig had nothing to offer me, so I grabbed my keys and wallet and headed for the store.

As I pulled into the parking lot I noticed right away this very cute young girl. She was no older than 15. Her blond hair and blue eyes stood out from a distance. She was a petite girl. She was gathering the grocery carts. I noticed her small ass. Little yet had nice curves which shown nicely in those tight black jeans.

I pulled up and parked near the front of the store. Walked into the store not thinking anything else about the cute blond leaving her in the summer moonlight. I walked to the back looking for the good ice cream when I noticed someone was following me. I glanced quickly and saw it was her. I gave her a smile and she grinned back.

I stopped now at the ice cream and she waked by and dropped a small paper. I picked up and was going to give it to her but she just slipped through the doors headed into the stocking room. I unfolded it and read it, curious of course. It read: “I am horny. I want to fuck you hard. Please cum fuck me in the ass.” I didn’t know what to think at first, a little shocked. Then I started to debate what to do next. I am 25 and have never considered having sex with a minor. Although my mind fantasizes about young teen girls all the time, I never really considered acting, knowing the consequences. So I stood there in front of the rocky road for at least 3 minutes thinking. I now had a noticeable bulge in my pants by now. Ok, I thought, I could buy my ice cream, go home, jack off fantasizing about what could happen. Or, I could liv... Les hele novellen

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Grocery girl

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