Fuke me

Fuke me

My life had become pretty boring and my sex life non-existent. The women in my life had all proven themselves to be untrustworthy, transparent and superficial. I was taking a break from the world. I just wanted to sit at my bar stool, get drunk and smoke my Cohiba until I could drink and smoke no more. When the dark haired, dark skinned beauty sat down next to me I was at first a little pissed, that soon passed when I got a look at her tits screaming to get out of the tight top she was wearing. They jiggled nicely as she moved teasingly from side to side as though looking for someone she had been waiting for. Nice long and slightly muscular legs crossed themselves nicely all the way down to a pair of shiny black stiletto heels.

I puffed on my cigar making more smoke than was necessary hoping she would move away. She was hot but I was in no mood for another high maintenance bitch to drain my pockets. I watched her from the side of my eye and saw her reach into her bag and draw out a cigarette. Of course she couldn’t find a match and turned to me, cigarette dangling between her fingers.

“Pardon me, do you have a light?” she asked in a pleasingly husky voice.

I had to oblige her no matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t be completely anti-social. “Sure,” I said and flicked my lighter to life. She softly cupped my hand with her long fingers taking the opportunity to look me straight in the eyes. She had big green eyes and full red lips that looked like they were made to wrap themselves around a cock.

“Thank you,” she said slowly sliding her long nails off of my hand sending an electric charge straight to my cock. It twitched and I think I unknowingly winced. She smiled looking down at my crotch. I turned around to face the bar again and tried to ignore her, but she wasn’t going to make it that easy for me.

She turned in her seat to face me and said, “Excuse me, I know this sounds like a line, but what kind of a ... Les hele novellen

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14/12 2023

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Fuke me

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