family forced feud

family forced feud

The two young married lovers were students in New York City enjoying life. Julie was a five foot six skinny blonde who had just the right curves. Thomas was six foot one with an athletic trim. When they got married, Julie knew that Thomas was one horny individual, but had no idea that Thomas wanted so desperately to have sex in a public place.

Yet as they went through their first year of married life, the sex between them seemed to be getting riskier. At one point after they had sex on campus in the back of their van (which had no tinted windows), Julie had asked Thomas how far he would go.

That night they had an interesting conversation and when Julie went to bed, her mind was full of some pretty exciting possiblities. About a month later, Julie realized that she was ready for something very risky.

They went to stay at a hotel for the weekend in upper state New York. After they ahd checked in, they went to the pool. Julie wasn't going to screw around this weekend, so immediately, she took advantage of the situation. In a skimpy bikini, she brought Thomas straight into the hot tub. There was no one else in the pool room yet. Julie reached down and pulled her bikini bottoms off.

Thomas was surprised but stimulated. She then took his swimming trunks off and her top off. And sat in his lap kissing him passionately. Another couple came into the pool room and stared for awhile at Julies naked breasts. Then Julie pulled thomas out of the pool and bent over on a pool chair. Thomas who was completely lost in the moment with a huge erection penetrated her and thrusting with all he had.

The couple in the pool room were just watching from the pool and then another young woman came in and with a dropped jaw made her way over to the hot tub and watched too. Julie began moaning with everything she had in her and Thomas was breathing very heavily. Then the unthinkable happened. The young woman in the hot tub began to remove her bikini. T... Les hele novellen

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14/12 2023

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family forced feud

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