Excellent service

Excellent service

Pulling apart the individually packaged wooden chopsticks, Nicole reflected that life did not get much better. They had spent the entire day together. First he had taken her to a horse show, then to the park, followed by a play and now this, a late dinner. They were the only two in the restaurant, a small building with traditional Japanese decor and fabric screens separating the dining area from the kitchen. An attractive Asian man had seated them, and their chit-chat about the horse show was interrupted by the waitress.

“Hi, my name’s Amy, I’ll be serving you tonight. Can I start you off with some drinks?” Amy wore a tight-fitting white skirt that ended just above her knees, a white button down blouse tucked enough to accentuate her B-cup breasts, and a white apron tied around her waist. Her fair skin and blond hair combined with her small frame gave her an innocent look. She seemed somewhat out of place in an otherwise authentic looking Japanese establishment, her only Eastern feature being her petite size. Jon ordered wine for both of them, and Carol noticed her boyfriend’s eyes lingering on Amy’s firm backside as she went into the kitchen to get their drinks.

“Enjoying the view?” Carol frequently got jealous when Jon looked at other women, but they both knew she also enjoyed the feeling.

“Indeed.” He flashed a charming smile. “What do you think of this place? One of my co-workers told me about it.”

“I love it, but I’m surprised we didn’t find it sooner. We won’t be keeping them here after hours will we?” Nicole hated making employees stay late.

“No, when I made the reservation they didn’t have a problem with a late reservation.”

Amy glided back into the room with a wine bottle and two glasses.

“And are we ready to order?” Amy chewed on her lip a little as she dug out her pad and pen. Nicole watched Jon, seeing him drink in the waitress’s sexy figure. Nicole began feeling a little warm, her cheeks becoming pink and the palms of her hands slig... Les hele novellen

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