Dicking around

Dicking around

Back after I started college I started to change gradually. I dated several girls in high school but none of them really made me want more than a one-night stand. Then during English Lit late in the fall my freshman year a few of the girls and guys were talking about a new bar that opened. I overheard them and it sounded fun until I heard terry, a young black boy spoke up and say, “Man, it’s a great place for bisexuals to meet.”

After class was over I walked up to him and struck up a conversation about this club. He told me where it was but I couldn’t figure out how to get there, so he said, “Give me a ride home today and I will show you.”

So I agreed and after classes ended I drove him to his place. Along the way he directed me to the club and then on to his apartment a few blocks away. It was a nice place but the entrance was in back in an alley. I stopped the car at the one he pointed at as he asked me, “You thinking of going there to meet girls?”

“I don’t know, have to wait and see,” I said not realizing that I had tipped my hand to him.

“Damn buddy, you look hot a little feminine maybe, but good looking. You should have no trouble getting a chick or a cock,” Terry said as he slowly slid his hand to my leg. Then he asked, “You thinking of sucking or fucking?”

“What?” I asked puzzled completely by his question.

“I mean you want to fuck some booty or suck on one? If you don’t look for a girl then you got to be looking at guys. Stands to reason a nice white boy like you with long blonde hair and blue eyes that dresses nice must want a man if he don’t want a woman,” he said sarcastically as he inched closer to me.

“I never thought about fucking a guy,” I said then as he slid his hand on my crotch I looked at him and said, “I have thought about sucking a cock though a few times.”

My belt was unbuckled and then my jeans unsnapped as I looked into his eyes now flashing at me. He slid my zipper down quickly then he yanked me to his mouth and kissed me.... Les hele novellen

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