Cyber sex with 500lb woman

Cyber sex with 500lb woman

I met a woman on (insert lame plug 1), and we started talking, and decided out of the blue to have cyber-sex using AIM (insert lame advert plug 2), since I live in California and she in New York and AIM was the only instant messenger we both had. She weighed 500+ pounds, had long black hair, an enormous belly, a huge ass, tree trunk-like thighs, and big tits. Well call her Cassie.

Cassie:I dont really like to start, so could you start off?

Me:Sure, how do you want this?

Cassie:Just do whatever you want

Me:Ill set the scene, a bedroom completely empty other than a custon made bed, made to support 1000+ pounds and a table of food. Black curtains fall around the edge of the bed, theyre open. You lay on your back on the beds black sheets. How does it sound so far?

Cassie:Great, keep going

Me:I slowly crawl on the bed with you, grab a pice of cake from the table next to the bed, and begin to feed you

Cassie:I gladly accept the piece of cake, and devour it

Me:As I feed you the cake with one hand, I begin to stroke you your large breasts with my free hand

Cassie:My nipples get hard as you stroke my breasts, and my pussy gets warm and wet with anticipation

Me:My cock gets hard as you finish the last bite of the piece of cake

Cassie:Will there be any more food?

Me:No, its time to start

Cassie:I can hardly wait

Me:I crawl on top of you and gently nibble your right ear

Cassie:I softly moan in pleasure

Me:I begin to work my way down your body, and kiss you gently on the lips

Cassie:I begin to kiss you back, and I open my mouth for a french kiss

Me:Ibegin to french kiss you, and manuvure my tongue around yours

Cassie:I softly moan in pleasure again, savouring every second we kiss

Me: I pull away from your mouth and begin to suck on your left breast

Cassie:I lift your head off my left breasts, and force in between both of them

Me:I cant help but think that a man could be smothered in such large... Les hele novellen

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Cyber sex with 500lb woman

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