

Blake stepped into the empty elevator, pushed the button for the seventeenth floor, and waited for the car to begin its ascent. Just as the doors were beginning to close a hand shot between the doors and a thirty something man slipped on board, pressed the button for her floor and turned to face Blake, giving the twenty three year old a quick once over. The man was dressed in a dark blue business suit and would have been considered handsome, except for the fact that he had a large scar on his face! After several seconds of silence the man, while looking directly into Blakes eyes asked, "Youre a fag arent you, I can smell you a mile away!?!" Blake turned a bright shade of red, and while averting his eyes replied softly, "Yes, yes I am!" The man made a snorting sound and shot back, "You little bitches are all alike, just waiting to be picked up and fucked!" Hearing the crude talk from this total stranger caused an immediate reaction in Blake as his pecker turned into a piece of hot blue steel!!! The elevator came to a stop, and as the doors slid open smoothly and the stranger announced, "This is my floor, come with me," as he took Blake by the arm and led him down the corridor to the mens rest room.

Once inside, he pushed Blake into a vacant stall, closed the door, and said, "Okay you little slut, suck on this," after pulling out one of the biggest cocks he had ever seen in his life!!! Sitting on the toilet put the big dick right at face level so it didnt take much effort at all to open wide and let the big hammer slip into his now very hungry mouth!!! "You suck good for a bitch," the stranger spat while Blake slurped and licked the beautiful erection for all he was worth!!! As long as he could remember Blake knew that he liked boys better than girls, and while he had fantasized about having a truly huge erection to play with, he was stunned at how quickly the events of the past few moments had given him the opportunity to fulfill his dream!!! The big stud leaned ag... Les hele novellen

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