Beach house

Beach house

My wife Gloria and I got married fresh out of college. Luckily I was able to land a job right away and we took up residence in an apartment in the city. I was working for an Internet startup company, as a programmer, which didnt pay all that great, but offered tons of stock options that could someday be valuable.

Gloria is a beautiful woman and she exploits it to the max. She often dresses in these clingy outfits that really accent her beautiful figure and full well proportioned bustline. Although she hails from a modest background, college has turned her kind of aloof. She speaks well, dresses well, and wants desperately to make friends in high society.

After we had been married a year, the company I work for went public in an IPO. The options I owned for 5,000 shares suddenly became worth $250.00 each! Thats over a million dollars and a real windfall. Of course I would have to wait a two years for the options to become fully vested, but I got a good raise and felt like I was rich.

The life that Gloria had always wanted, the rich life of leisure with the upper crust of society was within her grasp. This windfall, she thought, was her ticket to the all her dreams and aspirations. She went right out and bought a two seat foreign sports car, and a whole new wardrobe. I tried to explain to her that we really couldnt afford these things right now. We had to wait for the options to become vested. In a few years we could cash some of them in and reap our windfall but she wouldnt hear of it. She wanted it now and wouldnt take NO for an answer.

"John, what good is having all this money if we cant enjoy it" she told me.

"We WILL be able to enjoy it, once our options become fully vested." I informed her. "We have to wait for almost two years."

"Well I want to start to enjoy it now." Gloria insisted. "My friends have all the good things in life and I want them too! I want to start right now, Ive waited long enough."

I knew it would be impossible to get... Les hele novellen

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