And still champion

And still champion

Duke Walker stood under the burning needles of the shower in his bathroom while letting the hot water waft over his well muscled body! Oh man was he ever tired, ten long hours on that hot roof laying shingles was enough to sap the strength of anyone, and he was a twenty five year old in great physical condition!!! The only good part of the job was the view!!! High on a hill overlooking San Francisco Bay, it was exactly what you’d expect to find on a picture postcard and luckily for him he pretty much got to see it every single day of the year!!! As he water continued to caress his sun tanned form, his mind began to wander as he thought about the events of this coming evening, and the big uncut bone hanging between his legs began to stiffen ever so slightly as he pictured his big cock being sucked by any number of other hung studs at the Gay Gallery Bar on Castro Street!!! A gentle sigh escaped his lips as he began slowly squeezing and jerking his huge pecker, and after only several minutes of fisting, his hand had become a blur as it rifled up and down the thick shaft until it convulsed hard several times before erupting all over the shower stall wall!!!


After flopping down on the bed for a one hour nap, Duke carefully selected his wardrobe for the evening, and while it really didn’t matter what he wore, he made sure that the tight bikini underwear showed of his nine and a half inch hammer to its best view!!! The bright red material of the silk shorts stood out starkly against his sun tanned skin, and what was even more impressive was how after he rolled up his nut bag and pecker into a tight ball it looked for all the world like someone had stuck a softball into his undies!!! More than one stud had merely gotten a glimpse of Duke’s bikini cover groin and nearly fainted dead away at the awesome sight that it presented!!! In the San Francisco gay community having a big cock was more than just a status symbol, because if you were blessed with a large p... Les hele novellen

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And still champion

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