And now for something completely different

And now for something completely different

While the time I reached high school I had engaged in sex with more partners than most women do in a lifetime, so excuse me if I had become a bit jaded. My new girlfriend Maureen assured me that if I spent the night at her place it would be unlike any experience I had previously had. As I was open to new experiences, I figured why not? Maureen and her family lived in a nice bi-level in a trendy new subdivision. The whole family sat down for dinner and it couldn’t have been more Ozzie and Harriet if they tried. Conversation centered on school activities and plans for the upcoming holiday season. Maureen was what you would call “big boned” for her age and didn’t socialize much at school. Her parents seemed thrilled she had made a new friend. Her parents had jumped at the chance for her to have someone visit her and asked my guardians if I could spend the weekend. Maureen gave me a grand tour of the house ending in the backyard.

Maureen’s best friend and pet was a mastiff, which eagerly responded to her every command. I was amazed at the tricks he could perform (like climbing a ladder, turning somersaults in midair and even dancing). I have to admit it frightened me a bit as it stood on its hind legs to dance with me its head towered above mine. After an hour or so of playing with the dog we adjourned to the dining room where the family played a several hands of gin rummy and spoke animatedly about the weekend ahead.

The time finally came for bed and Maureen and I adjourned to her room. I assumed Maureen to be gay but soon found that not to be the case. We glanced at each other as we prepared for bed and I could see Maureen was well endowed for a girl her age. As I was pulling on my nightgown Maureen’s naked form stepped up to me and gathered me and gathered me in her strong arms and bent her head down to mine to kiss me. I embraced her, ardently returning her kiss. A relieved sigh escaped her chest as our lips parted and than a gasp as my knowing fingers parte... Les hele novellen

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And now for something completely different

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