Ambers anal experience

Ambers anal experience

I saw James from across the room at the other side of the party. He was truely the most gorgeous guy from our high school. At 61" and 170 pounds he had an amazing body that was muscular from weight lifting.

His deep blue eyes and soft blond hair he wore in spikes caught every girls attention. I was the envy of every girl in school. I was 59" and only 120 pounds with a tight body from years of gymnastics that he adored. I had perky, b-cup breasts, bright green eyes and light brown hair. It didnt take much for me to catch a guys attention. I decided to go talk to him for a while. When I caught up to him he told me he was going to run to the store to pick up some Smirnoff for me. Untill then, I told him Id wait for him on the couch.

I hit a snag on the way to the couch. My ex-boyfriend, Kevin, grabbed my arm. He told me he needed to talk. I had cared for Kevin for a long time. He was 511", 150 pounds, with brown hair and eyes. He wasnt as gorgeous as James, but he was always sweet. So I decided to hear him out for a minute. It was loud at the party so he pulled me into a bedroom. I hadnt even noticed that hed locked the door. As I sat on the bed he offered me a glass of punch. I accepted it and began to drink it. I asked him what was wrong he he calmly replied "Nothing."

I asked him why he had pulled me aside as I sipped the punch and he answered with "I wanted to have you to myself again for once." I didnt understand, untill he pulled out the pack of pills in his pocket. "I just figured that now I would get what you never let me have." By this time I was getting sleepy. "Why, Kevin?"

"Because you always teased me. The lap dances, all the making out and fooling around untill you stopped me. I had enough. Now that I watch you all over James, I cant take it anymore." At that he pushed me down and ripped my shirt off. At that I passed out, but only for a short amount of time. I opened my eyes and noticed as I looked up that my hands were tied to the bed and I... Les hele novellen

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Ambers anal experience

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