Airport search

Airport search

Natalie was just starting her vacation. This was the first time she had flown on an airplane since 9-11. She had seen all of the news reports regarding security at the airports and had seen where they were using wands to check passengers for metal objects and now had more sophisticated devices to detect explosives.

The United States were still just using wands, but other countries have been trying the new and more sophisticated gear, mainly to make sure that tourists would continue to come to their countries. Natalie did not worry about the security, in fact, the searching had a tendency to excite her. She often imagined that she was stopped and they forced her to undergo a search when she was masturbating (which seemed to be too often since she broke up with her boyfriend).

Natalie had chosen Cuba to visit for her vacation. The United States had just begun to allow visitors and Natalie wanted to be one of the first. Her first plane ride from Miami to Havana had been uneventful. She had passed through normal security with no trouble and was not randomly selected to be searched at the gate. She was now in Havana, ready to take a small plane ride to Santiago.

Natalie disembarked her United flight and had to go to the older terminal, used by the locals. This required going across the street from the new, gleaming modern terminal to the old 50-year old building.

Natalie entered the terminal, a dismal, dirty building. She did not hear anyone speaking English, only Spanish. She recognized the symbol for the airline she was taking in the furthest corner of the building. She walked across the open terminal, eyes watching her as she walked. There had not been many Americans in Cuba, never a beautiful girl like Natalie. Natalie stood at a little over five-foot-five, brown hair, shoulder length, slim waist, long legs and gorgeous breasts. She was twenty-five years old. She had a very active sex life, but since her breakup with her boyfriend, she did not seem to ha... Les hele novellen

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14/12 2023

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Airport search

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