A most private and painful pleasure

A most private and painful pleasure

Its just a theory, but it seems to me that the connection between "cuckold" and "cuckoo" is too strong to ignore. One is a bird that lays its eggs in the nests of other birds. The other is the husband of an unfaithful wife. You can work the rest out for yourself.

In medieval times here in England, a deceived husband didnt get much sympathy if his wife was caught in adultery. A pair of horns would be tied to his head and he would be paraded around the streets where, besides being soundly humiliated, he would often be showered with the contents of the then ubiquitous piss-pots.

The legend of the cuckolds horns lives on. Everyone, goes the tradition, can see them but the poor mutt himself. Strange, then, that today so many men actually want to wear them. I know I did. And I know others who did. But only in recent years has the Internet revealed just how many willing cuckolds there are. Countless husbands all over the world now openly admit to watching - either in thought or deed - their wives having sex with another man.

I am one of those husbands. I am a man whose wife has looked for, and got, sex outside our marriage. I am a cuckold. There, said it! Wasnt too painful at all. But then Ive had more than twenty-five years to get used to the idea.

Another admission. I gave in without a fight. I was a willing cuckold. I attended the ceremony of the horns by choice, if not by invitation. And when my time came, I went quietly, just bowed my head in submission as I was awarded them. Moved over, in a manner of speaking, while another man took my place between my wifes open thighs. Even though my heart was breaking.

On second thoughts, maybe I was more of a compliant cuckold, rather than a willing one. I didnt long for it to happen, the way some men do. I didnt plan it, or take months, even years, agonizing over it. In fact I only got about five minutes notice. So I didnt spend ages trying to talk round a reluctant, suspicious spouse. Didnt have to. My wife Ja... Les hele novellen

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A most private and painful pleasure

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