Father and Daughter

Father and Daughter

Jared was in a great mood. After four long months of unemployment, he had finally found a job! The new job paid less than his previous salary, but at least he would be bringing in some income. Marla, his wife, had made him feel worthless since he had lost his job.

She either gave him the cold shoulder or nagged at him constantly. And he cant remember the last time

they made love. He was always horny as hell, and had resorted to jacking off to get some relief. Maybe when Marla heard the news about his job she would be happy for him.

He wanted to have dinner, go to bed early and fuck the hell out of his wife! With that thought, Jared entered his house and slammed the front door shut. "Marla", he yelled out. "Come here, I have great news." He was met with silence.

"Marla?" Still nothing. He shrugged. Maybe she went out for groceries. He started to walk towards his bedroom. He wanted to change out of his suit and take a quick shower. Pulling off his tie, he glanced into Amandas bedroom as he walked past. It was empty. He stopped for a moment thinking about his

12-year old daughter. She had changed this past year. On the brink of womanhood, Amanda was part little girl, part woman. These past four months of unemployment had given him an opportunity to get to know his daughter better.

They had spent a lot of time together. He was going to miss being here when she came home from school. Moving on down the hall, Jared entered his bedroom and shed his clothes quickly. He took a quick shower, and within minutes he had toweled himself dry. Flinging the towel on the bed, he walked naked to the dresser to find a pair of shorts. And thats when he saw it. There on the dresser was a piece of paper with his name emblazoned across the front.

Curious, he picked it up and was shocked at what he read. "Jared - I need some time to myself. I cant handle the stress, I need to get away. I dont know when Ill be back. Take care of Amanda. Make her

understand. And I hope y... Les hele novellen

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