No! just never occured to me.

No! just never occured to me.

I think the first Groping I got was at 7 when a neighbor boy played hide and seek with us and we hid together. I had to pee badly and told him to turn his back. He pissed up in side me and to gave me a nice warm sweetness all thru my body, then a sudden spasm of deep internal convultions that rippled up thru me and make me hold very still wainting for him to stick it in me. but he didnt he put his hand on me and made feel good but not as good as the pee stream did. We were caught in the game and made to stand in the circle of the home plate while others were captured. His cold snaggy fingers were probing around up me and around me for thirty minuets, but I never "felt" any nice tingles or reasons to let him POKE around again. Then about a month later in September we were playing a game called "dare, dare, double dare" And the older kids were having fun making each other touch a "NASTY" "Naughty" or a NO-NO, I was told to touch my brothers penis which I did with RELISH then on a double dare I was told to put it in my mouth Which I did willingly but I protested like I heard the others do when it was their turn.

I sucked like the older girls did ,but on the second trip down into my mouth he peed stuff like eggwhite in my throat and it was gone before I could get away from the hand on my head which was a redheaded cousin of ours who thought I would Chicken out. I never stopped sucking untill she backed off at my brothers request and told them I was not ,resisting, I was daring to do it just like everyone else. Then came a group DARE to All the girls. Walk into the bushes, A water melon was heating on the fire ,when it exploded the boys would find a piece big enough to share and go hunt for a girl ,who was to have naked intercourse with the first person she met in the dark with a piece of watermelon to share. I met my brother on a path so far from the fire ,we said we were just going to tell them we did it and go wait on a log back by the fire pit. Then we heard a ... Les hele novellen

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No! just never occured to me.

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