Boys will be boys...every time

Boys will be boys...every time

Since our little escapade last Wednesday night, I think its safe to say wed bonded more as a football team and with our new Assistant Coach than we had at any time during the whole of the football season. Skinner was a wild man and it didnt seem to bother him fucking a student like Julie with all the rest of us other guys. Now we all respected Coach, cause he was a mean sonofabitch that would kick our collective asses, but the AC was closer in age to us and we started hanging out with him more and more. By we I refer to some of my other buds on the team - Jameson, Greg, Steve, Randy, Todd and I.

And even though the AC was a great guy, I figured on a little tit for tat. Wouldnt Skinner be more than happy to "help us out", so that no one ratted on him to the administration? Of course no one would have, except maybe that little weasel Bill Howard. Im pretty easy going all round, but there was something about that guy that really worked my nerves, maybe it was his prissy attitude or the fact that he ran to daddy whenever he was in trouble - I dont know. Anyway...

My persistent work on Skinner had paid off. He was pretty cool and I was completely into his confidence. Id go over to his place to spending some time with him on the weekends shooting the shit. More than once some of the guys had gone over to his house to get hammered. He had just graduated from the State University and was paying his dues as in the coaching world. He wanted more than an AC position obviously, but he was biding his time. Id get him to tell stories about his sexual conquests. Then wed compare. I dont know if all of them were true or not, but they sure as hell were interesting. It must have been a record, but I reckon in the few months hed spent in our little neck of the woods he had discovered every form of sexual gratification this county had to offer! Hell hed done stuff you couldnt even find written on the boys bathroom stalls.

The piece de resistance was when I finally got him co... Les hele novellen

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Boys will be boys...every time

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